How I Manage Stress & Anxiety
Jen Gagnon Jen Gagnon

How I Manage Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety were a huge part of my life just a few years ago. They were a badge of honor for me. I took pride in the fact that I could run a business, homeschool and raise 3 kiddos, cook 3 healthy meals a day while also taking care of the household! I was stressed, overworked, overwhelmed with no end in sight!

Just writing this makes me exhausted! haha. Now, looking back I see how completely crazy it was to think that the more I could juggle, the more my worth increased. What a crock!

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What’s the Hype Around Journaling
Jen Gagnon Jen Gagnon

What’s the Hype Around Journaling

My daily routine wouldn't be the same without journaling. Although I found it hard when I started, in fact, I wasn't quite sure where to start with all of this. So many journals out there, so many trains of thinking, so many stating that their way was the best and most effective!

I had to put my blinders on and find my own groove. I had to find what worked best for me and my schedule and what proved to be most effective.

I'm no writer, but I have found profound comfort in my journaling. I've discovered that when I start my day focusing on the things that matter, when I ask the hard questions, when I dig deeper than the surface, my day goes unequivocally smoother.

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Are You Committed to Your Health?
Jen Gagnon Jen Gagnon

Are You Committed to Your Health?

As some of you know, and others don't :) I began my journey quite a few years ago now. As a mom of 3, I had become comfortable being UNcomfortable! I had put on some extra weight, I was walking around in sweats and baggy shirts as much as humanely possible because I didn't feel good in much else. I was anxious, and so unhappy with the woman that was looking back in the mirror.

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