A Community of women working on themselves, for themselves, while supporting each other!

At Soulistic Vibes we believe in creating transformation of the mind, body & soul. We believe each individual walking through our doors is just that unique and therefore has unique needs. We’ve created this sacred space for you to come create the transformation you desire. This isn’t about the perfect practice or the best pose, it’s about each of us creating progress and growth for ourselves in a way that feels good. It’s our greatest desire to see you walk out with more than you came in with. We honor your journey and how far you’ve come and we want to be the cheerleaders you’ve been seeking. We hope that you join us for a class and an event and continue on your path of expansion.

Full Moon Breathwork

November 7th

6:00 PM-8:00 PM

This Breathwork session isn’t just about breath….it’s about connecting deep within our hearts. Conscious Connected Breathing or Circular Breathing is a powerful and safe way to infuse the body with oxygen and energy, recharging our own (often depleted) systems to work to their healing capacity. It facilitates openings to higher levels of consciousness, allowing us to tap into our deeper resources and live our lives joyfully and in abundance. The healing comes from you, through you and for you…. Breathwork has been known to help with:

  • anxiety

  • anger issues

  • chronic pain

  • depression

  • emotional effects of illness

  • grief

  • trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • stress & anxiety

It helps create feelings of openness, love, peace, gratitude, clarity, communication, and connection.

Reserve your seat today for only $55

{Spaces limited}


Our Soulistic Services

At the Soulistic Vibes Wellness center, we cater to the needs of the mind, body, and soul.

Our current offerings include:

  • Ear seeding: Ear seeds are small seeds used to stimulate pressure points in your ear. They’re a type of auriculotherapy, which refers to acupressure or acupuncture focused on the ear.

  • Massage Therapy: Therapeutic massages help relieve pain, reduce stress, and work on a specific problem.

  • Vinyasa yoga: Smooth transition between asanas coordinated with your breath.

  • Restorative yoga: Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that promotes physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. This type of yoga is practiced at a slow pace, allowing for longer holds, stillness, and deep breathing. This type of yoga is practiced using many props to allow for effortless poses.

  • Yin yoga: Yin yoga focuses on your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. It’s much slower and more reflective giving you the opportunity and the space to go inward and tune into your body, your mind and the physical sensations arising. It’s about finding your edge, creating more flexibility of the body and the mind.

  • Fired Up Yoga: This vigorous form of yoga performed in a very warm studio.

  • Strenga™️ (Strength and Conditioning followed by Yin Yoga): Strenga™️ is a combination of Strength & Conditioning followed by yin yoga. It’s focus is to build strength and flexibility of the body and mind.

  • Strenga™️ Circuit Training

  • Guided meditation: Guided meditations allow you to quiet the mind and and go inward, connecting to the highest version of you. Creating space for you to receive all that you need in that moment. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, creating a state of homeostasis for the body to recalibrate.

  • Day retreats: We offer day retreats for women to enter a safe and sacred space where they can do the deep inner work that allows for growth and expansion of the mind, body and soul.

  • Soul flow™️ Workshops: Soul Flow™️ workshops are a combination of meditation, inner work and movement that promotes the embodiment of all that you are. These workshops allow for healing and growth.

  • Wellness Mentoring: Wellness isn’t just about fitness. It’s about creating balance; mind, body and soul. It’s about taking you where you are at and supporting you in creating more health, happiness, alignment and abundance in all areas of your life!

  • Breathwork: Breathwork is a powerful tool that can help us release years of trauma that’s been trapped in our body. Breathwork is a powerful tool for anybody who’s on a journey back to themselves.

Upcoming Class Schedule

We ask that you sign up for classes at least 2 hours prior to the class starting.


Upcoming events.

Check out our upcoming events! We are offering new wellness workshops, day retreats, aromatherapy, art sessions, and embodiment workshops.

Looking to book an appointment?


Our Soulistic Shop

All products are made by local artists that we know personally.  Encouraging small businesses is part of our values at Soulistic Vibes.

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